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 Developing People, Ideas & Businesses



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When sporting teams are “stretched” and/or key players become jaded, substitutes are brought-on to the field of play to help support the team, bring fresh energy and help get a positive or improved result. Yet so often in the work-of-work/business, we are reluctant to do this! Instead we tend to soldier-on alone (often jaded and not at our best) fearing we or our team will be criticised for failing to achieve all the work we have to do, and/or for needing extra-help to do so.

However,  if we and/or our team become overloaded or under severe pressure, we and they can become overwhelmed and stressed - with all the inherent problems, issues and tensions that can bring! Furthermore, in our and our teams-members’ humanness, often then “important” tasks/actions sit a and fester until they become “urgent” (Important v Urgent) - leading to a vicious-circle syndrome. This is sad as it is unhealthy for people and unhealthy for businesses, as in the process either opportunities (which often come like London-Buses - i.e. none for a while, then three (3) turn-up all at once) are missed or the delayed task/actions end up being costly to undertake at the last minute.

Good-quality consultants, who have relevant knowledge and experience, can add strength to your team-squad and can help act like “Impact-Subs” in the sporting-world, bringing fresh ideas, energy and enthusiasm to bear on your situation as well as additional resource in times of actual or anticipated “management or key resource stretch” and associated stress and strain.

Re strategic matters, it can also be helpful to use a trusted and experienced consultant as a “friend-of-the-company/organisation” - able to help bring perspective from outside of your organisational “goldfish-bowl”).

So why not do yourself, your key team-members and your organisation a favour, by allowing Manage2™ to help you and your team thrive (rather than just survive) via it’s tailored Consulting, Coaching & Mentoring support service offerings?

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